Scholarship Guide: Time Management

How are you going to manage your time applying for scholarships? How many scholarships are you going to apply for? 

Set a goal for how many you want to apply for. If you want to win 5 scholarships, that might mean applying to 30!!

Here are some ideas for how you can manage your scholarship applications:

  1. Spend 1 full evening every month (4-5 hours) applying for scholarships, working on their essays, etc.

  2. Spend 2-3 hours per week. Whenever you sit down to work on scholarships, start a stopwatch and just stop it when you need to. When you pick back up, restart it.

  3. Make it a routine. You can spend time on Tuesday & Thursday to research and bookmark scholarships that you want to apply for, and then work on applying and submitting them on Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

  4. Keep track of your progress using a Scholarship organizer! Here is an example of a spreadsheet you can use to help track your progress as you go.

Whatever you do, work out a routine that makes sense for your schedule and doesn’t stress you out. If you know you can’t commit to working on scholarships every day, subscribe to some newsletters and scholarship blogs so that you can look through them when you have time, like when you’re on the train.

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