Introducing The Career Boot Camp


One of the things I say a lot is “Graduating from a good college can dramatically change your life, but that change doesn’t happen on the day you graduate”. 

You still need to find that first job, and then get the first promotion. You still might need to buy a car you can’t afford or put down the first two months rent on an apartment in a new city. 

We know that for many of our students these are real challenges that they have to navigate as they transition into the workforce, and (hopefully) start building their wealth. We’re committed to ensuring that our loans and products are a part of the solution, and not a part of the problem. That’s why we have the flexible repayment options that we do.

In line with this, I am excited to announce our newest initiative to help our borrowers: Our career development program. 

We are collaborating with our non-profit partners, the Academy Group and College Greenlight; as well as 9 different companies in the Chicagoland area, who, together, hire hundreds of college grads every year, to launch this initiative.  

This is our first of many collaborative efforts to find placement and provide support to all of our borrowers so that they can get that post-college job sooner. Preferably, exposing them to even better opportunities and roles than they would have known about otherwise. We have designed this week as a bootcamp that will demonstrate what types of internship and entry level opportunities exist in the Chicagoland area while providing critical mentorship and guidance on how to pursue those opportunities.

As we continue to grow and develop, our hope is to begin matching our students to these opportunities and the companies who provide them, ensuring that they are capable of getting the job they both are most interested in, and qualified for.

If you are a student who is not a part of our program, but nonetheless are interested in working in Chicago after graduation, you are also welcome to apply. Please do so here

If you are an employer who is looking for diverse college talent, and would be interested in a conversation about our students, please feel free to reach out to me personally @

Thank you


Daniel Rogers