Summer Romances: The College Commitment 

Doesn’t the idea of finding the love of your life during your college years sound nice? Don’t sit there and act like that thought wasn’t sitting in the back of your mind going into your freshman year. We’ve all been there and done that, mostly because TV sells it to us good. We all remember the to-die-for love story between Quincy and Monica from Love and Basketball. Or how about the lasting romance between Dwayne and Whitley from A Different World? Oh, and you just can’t forget the lovely duo of Moesha and Q on Moesha. It looks great when it’s put together, sounds even better, but in reality, those summer romances that you force into college commitment isn’t as sweet as it seems. 

Thinking about getting into a relationship coming into college? Don’t 

College is meant to explore not only what the world out there has to offer you, but you’re also on a journey of developing yourself with your skills, personality, and experience. I’m not saying relationships are bad for our health, because everyone deserves happiness in our own way,  but I am saying don’t try to jump into anything serious right away. Trust me, I know all too well. I tried working something out with this guy my freshman year, and I thought everything would be great because we knew of each other since high school so there was already a connection is. The only problem was he was all the way in Arkansas and I’m here at Valparaiso University doing my thing, and around that time I barely had a handle on my class schedule, work, and writing for The Torch, but guess what my main focus was? Him. Of course, that’s my fault, but unless you’re really sure you can handle the balance of being in a relationship and your classes, trust me you should avoid the distraction. 

You’re Not Looking To Run To The Altar….Are You? 

Let’s just be honest--no one’s looking to get married in college, and if you do actually find that special someone at this time, I applaud you and ask you to please put me on to whatever worked for you. However, when it comes to dating in college, we should enjoy ourselves. I’m not saying just get a herd of girls or guys and just do whatever you please, but I am saying take your time and keep your options open. You only get this time once, so make sure you make it count. 

Faith Smith, Valparaiso University ‘22